Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. (DTSM), the urban place management organization tasked with the responsibility of overseeing and advancing the vibrancy and long-lasting vitality of the world-famous Third Street Promenade, has embarked on a process to develop a comprehensive private space plan to revitalize the iconic public street. The Third Street Promenade Stabilization and Economic Vitality Plan (Vitality Plan) will endeavor to build upon the Promenade's legacy as an enthralling, dynamic and inclusive city center by focusing on the use of private properties and the development of new zoning elements that will create opportunities for modern and attractive uses like experiential retail, live entertainment, nightlife, museums, small scale manufacturing and more.
"The last year brought unprecedented challenges to our community and business owners and while there are still difficult days ahead, we stand at the precipice of reinvention today," said DTSM, Inc. CEO Kathleen Rawson. "The pandemic only exacerbated the impacts of online shopping on brick and mortar retail, we have been working on how to best counteract these effects for some time now. This new Vitality Plan concentrates primarily on private uses and creative zoning that will spark the change we need."
DTSM has enlisted the help of world-renowned experts in public space environments and retail strategy from MIG and Streetsense to work with the City of Santa Monica, private stakeholders and a Project Advisory Committee, composed of longtime property owners and professionals in the fields of architecture/urban design, marketing and hospitality.
Over the next three months, the partners will be meeting with stakeholder focus groups, and the Santa Monica City Council to develop the Vitality Plan. The first City Council study session is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9. A draft plan of action is expected to be delivered in March with final adoption by the DTSM board of directors in April of 2021.
For more information on the Vitality Plan, visit downtownsm.com/promenade. For the latest resources and information, follow @DTSantaMonica on Instagram and Twitter or DowntownSantaMonica on Facebook.
About Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. (DTSM, Inc.)
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. is a private non-profit 501c(3) that works with the City of Santa Monica to manage services and operations in Downtown Santa Monica that promote economic stability, growth and community life within Downtown Santa Monica. DTSM, Inc. manages the Property-based Business Assessment District (PBAD) that encompasses the area bounded by Ocean Avenue (W), Wilshire Boulevard (N), Lincoln Boulevard (E) and the Santa Monica Freeway (S). For more info, please visit DowntownSM.com or follow along on social media on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.